VERY timely email.

I am doing a series on Deconstruction and used a jumbo Jenga tower to illustrate our "Ivory Towers" of faith and doctrine that topple when we start pulling out pieces to examine their validity. Whereas you use the illustration of the one puzzle piece of which you have some certainty to begin assembling the rest of the piece, I used the one block (stone) that is needed to not only serve as the foundation but to also use as the template to compare all other blocks/stones of our belief system.

Your observation that technology that in our minds will soon be in our bodies...mind blowing and true!

Another pastor friend observed how we Christians now worship information/content more than Jesus. We attend church, groups, classes, and read our BIbles for content - information in need of application - rather than to know and encounter Jesus. When information becomes 'king', deconstruction is inevitable. We don't tend to deconstruct a friend or loved one, just ideas and precepts. We have reduced Jesus to the ideas and teachings associated with him thereby reducing him to a mere source of content. It is therefore to be expected that people will reject him just as easily as they reject news reporters, podcasters, authors, speakers, etc. whose ideas they disagree with or find uncomfortable.

Thanks for always making me think, Chuck.

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Having gone through about five years of chronic pain, confusion about God’s character, frustration with other Christians’ communication about healing, I finally (and deeply) settled with the narrative that God is good. Yes, I am a creature, but not only created by God...created by a good and loving God. By a God who wants to commune with me and know me...by one who wants me to know Him. That’s my bottom line narrative that frees me to humbly look for my purposes in his kingdom. Because I am safe with Him, I can take each next step on my path. For me, the real gut deep knowledge that He is good has made all the difference.

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I love that, thanks Heidi. I really resonate with this as my “corner piece” too - that the one who made me is good & trust worthy.

So that even though life might come with its confusing ups and downs I can still have a deep down sense of peace because the author of it all is good.

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I’m not even sure this answer would be “appropriate” but I think open minded CURIOSITY is a legitimate response.

Who are you? What are you like? What’s your character? Can I trust you?

Who am I? How do I relate to you? What did you make me for? What’s your plan?

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You mean, curiosity toward your creator? It's so like you to think of that first. There is so much to know and only our maker can guide us to know them so I'm with you on this one, curiosity.

I think gratitude would be my core response. I find myself so overwhelmed with gratitude every day for the rich gift of my human experience

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What do you think about this?

In my mind responding with gratitude rests on one big condition and that’s - the CHARACTER of the creator.

Because if the creator isn’t good then I’m in for a really bad existence.

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Interestingly, Chuck, as you probably already know, there is a plethora of research on happiness that says cultivating “an attitude of gratitude” is a major factor in happiness:)

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An insightful post, Chuck. I could not agree more. I so appreciate Dallas Willard’s teaching that in the metanarrative of the Kingdom of God, Christ followers are given a subkingdom/subqueendom in terms of having a domain of influence on behalf of God in their lives. Your subkingdom covers the globe!

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thanks Brian, I can see where Evan gets his insightfulness

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