Wow, my mind is swirling right now, because the idea came to me after listening to you, that we are the instruments, the right angles so to speak, that God chose to use to fight back this darkness. Maybe this is why Satan hates us and wants to destroy us. The crazy part in my mind is, it's almost as if God is laughing at the dark, deep, chaos, and the force controlling it, by creating humans who are lower than the Angels, very weak in comparison, prone to darkness and corruption themselves, but yet when trusting in Him, we have dominion. It's almost laughable at the irony of it all. At least that is what went through my mind:-)

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I think you are onto something, Wade. Humans are the tools. But I think we fit in the mystical middle of things. We are of the earth, but we are more than earth. Our head is in the "sky" while our feet are firmly planted on the earth. We're the bridge between sky and earth, mediating the vision of God upon the earth and it's life forms.

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That lines up with, Ephesians 3:9-10 (ESV) - and to bring to light for everyone what is the plan of the mystery hidden for ages in God, who created all things, {10} so that through the church the manifold wisdom of God might now be made known to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly places.

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What survival are you talking about? In truth, there is only one threat to our survival and that is rejecting Christ. We ALL will live forever so the only important survival topic is whether or not you accept Christ and the Cross. Not doing so forever seals your fate in hell. This entire universe is slated for complete and total destruction and scripture tells us this. God will remake the heavens and the earth without sin or darkness. Being there is vastly more important than worrying about the threats present in this earth. And if you are in Christ, then the threats of this earth don't seem all that formidable.

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Thanks for your thoughts, Craig. Nothing matters more than walking with our Creator in loyalty and worship.

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