Hi Pastor Chuck, can I make a suggestion about the "share" feature for this post? When I hit share, a picture of Sade comes up with the comment "ask me what I am reading". I think it would be more intriguing, as it was to me, if the cover of your video/book appears instead of Sade. Not that she's not beautiful, I just want to grab the attention of as many people as I can, and that video/book grabbed mind. Just my two cents:-)

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Brother Chuck, Pastor, Friend, Mentor. I am 62 years old and I have given approximately 6 hours a day over to media for the last 15+ years. That equates to a 4 year degree. I cannot begin to tell you how sick to my stomach I am over this, but I also know I am hooked, addicted, and sold out to serving this god. I have tried everything in my power to un-tether from it but to no prevail. I honestly am not the same person I once was. It is sad! I've lost all ambition to do what I know needs to be done. I barley read and or pray. I've told Sarita on multiple occasions that I have to get out of this rat race, or I am finished. Mailny, because it is apparent now that I have no discipline in my life and probably never had. With all that said, (I don't want to end on a down note:-), I have an amazing life, wife, and ministry here in the US and we are doing great, even though I am not happy with myself, I know the Lord is doing mighty things here and I want to be grateful. So, thank you and Sherry for all your insight, love, and guidance. The work you two do helps us all! And no, I am not depressed, at least I don't think so:-) Just assessing the reality of my life within the context of your post:-) Great job!!!

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