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Thanks for this message! I have always felt connected to nature and adore exploring God's handiwork. I have been watching the Alone show recently and am fascinated by the contestants journies to live off the land. They all seem to comment on how much they love it: the quiet, the beauty, the oneness with the land, the extreme gratefulness they feel when they catch food. The other thing they all experience, which surprises them, is the loneliness and lack of ability to share the experience with other humans. Even the most prepared and capable contestants often "tap out" because they miss their families and it is not worth it to them to stay. God's design always proves itself! I want to live more in tune with creation and the Creator on a daily basis. I also recognize the trap of technology and the subtlety of its addictive qualities. I appreciate your perspective on day and night and will think about how I can make changes. Great word!

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