Hi! I hope you're having a great day. This is the newsletter I've been waiting a long time to create. The video is as long as a church service, so if it feels too long you can either change the speed to 1.5 (just click the arrows by the play button) or just watch it in pieces but I hope you’ll watch it. Here’s what it’s about:
Why is Satan the god of this world?
It is always bothered me that the New Testament calls Satan, the “god of this world,” and that no one denies this as a fact, not even Jesus.
I have always wanted to know how he got into this position.
No Easy Answer
There's no Bible story where God gave the devil the key to the world. I have read widely on this subject and asked many Bible-loving people their theories, and I am largely unsatisfied with the answers.
I also don't agree that the Fall of Adam & Eve in the garden gave him the keys to the planet because I don't see that in scripture either.
My Working Theory
I have developed a working theory that makes sense to me and I want to share it with you in this video. To build the theory, we have to visit three different scriptures and tie them together.
I do not present this as doctrine, but it is the best theory I can come up with since the Bible is generally silent about the workings of the demonic world. Satan loves attention and I think the Bible is determined to keep the spotlight off of him, but I think there is sufficient light to build a working theory.
So this video is my offering to you on this subject.
Next I want to develop a theology of blood and a view of the cross that focuses on the crucifixion offering as an act Spiritual War (since that’s mostly how Jesus himself talks about what he will do on the cross).
Something happened on the cross that gave humans their first chance to break free from the “god (Elohim) of this world”.
So that’s where we are headed in weeks to come.
Why Does This All Matter So Much?
Honestly, it's a fair question. I know I've been going on forever about Genesis 1-11, and I'm pretty much finished. It's just essential to get the backstory straight for the rest of it to make any sense.
So many people are halfhearted in their faith. They get eight hours a day of screen time programming straight from hell and very little time spent digging through the word of God, so Yes! I'm concerned!
I'm trying to help interested people build a mental framework to understand the truth about our world and the central message of the Bible.
Jesus came primarily to free humans from Satan's power. When I hear him describe his own mission, this is what he says. The first thing that happens in his story is that he goes to the desert and fights the devil there.
Then he starts casting out demons everywhere he goes. In the last week as he faces the cross event, he says "now the ruler of this world is cast down.” I think it's the most important aspect of the gospel and we won't understand how good the news is until we understand how bad the true situation is for the earth. There is an organized demon army in charge of every nation of the world. Every human institution is, invaded by their power.
That’s where we’re headed. Here’s where we’re at today. Hope you are strengthened from this teaching.
AND THANK YOU!!! to everyone who stands behind us as a couple on a mission! Your support keeps us engaged fully on mission in Asia and online as well.
We love you and we pray for you,
Every Blessing!
Chuck and Sherry
ere’s the YouTube Version
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